Poem: Never blues on a wet day

8th May 2021
Confession: rather optimistic about how much I usually achieve;
but that’s poetic licence for you!

No: never blues on a wet day!
Because, during the passing of an Atlantic low,
I choose some tasks
From the list of indoor things I have to do:
New pictures to hang which need a wall plug and a screw;
Fiddly repairs which want some patience and strong glue;
Hoovering, and then the kitchen and the loo;
Backing up the laptop – long overdue.

And even, in the office, a methodical ransack
To get some filing cabinet order back:
It takes some rainy hour endurance
To throw out all old papers on insurance,
Outdated bills, invoices so long paid;
But when it’s over, see the space I’ve made!

Thus fast do pass the hours of dripping grey,
For the Indoor List builds up through the dry days;
So, when the clouds have gone and here’s the sun,
I’m ready, conscience clear, for outdoor fun!

© Christopher Jessop 2021